Male Massage for Ladies only

Contact me on : 0426214169

Sensual massage is the ultimate way to relax and unwind after a long and stressful day. The feeling of someone's magic fingers gliding over your body, gently caressing every inch, is enough to make you forget all your worries and melt into a state of pure bliss. The skilful touch and intentional movements of a sensual massage can awaken your senses and make you feel so good, both physically and emotionally. It's like a dance between two bodies, as a I masseuse I use my hands and fingers to explore and discover every curve and contour of your body, releasing any tension and leaving you feeling completely rejuvenated. And let's not forget the added bonus of a dad bod masseuse, whose strong and sturdy physique is built like a horse, providing the perfect amount of pressure and support during the massage. With each stroke and caress, you can feel the knots and stresses of the day melting away, leaving you feeling relaxed, pampered, and oh so good. So why not treat yourself to a sensual massage and experience the ultimate form of relaxation and pleasure. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Discretion is assured as I arrive at your house.


  From To
09:00 AM Till late
09:00 AM Till late

Rates From

  In-calls Outcalls
15 min - -
30 min - $Free
45 min - -
1 hr - $Free
1.5 hr - -
2 hr - $Free
3 hr - $Free